Podcast Production

Perfect Podcast Production

Flawless Audio Quality

Great audio is crucial for retaining podcast subscribers. Our post-production services repair, level, enhance, and sweeten your recordings, ensuring they are perfectly publishable. We remove background noise, hums, excessive breaths, and more, making your podcast a pleasure to listen to.

Comprehensive Episode Arrangement

Professional Episode Structuring

We arrange podcast episodes with intro music, canned intros, transition music, and outros. Whether you have guests or multiple hosts, we ensure your podcast flows seamlessly, saving you time and effort.

Professional Episode Structuring

We arrange podcast episodes with intro music, canned intros, transition music, and outros. Whether you have guests or multiple hosts, we ensure your podcast flows seamlessly, saving you time and effort.

Easy Collaboration and Consulting

Secure File Sharing & Expert Advice

Our free secure portal makes file sharing and collaboration simple, allowing us to serve clients anywhere. We also offer consulting services to optimize your recording system, advising on hardware, software, and mic techniques for the best results.

Give your audience the best sound quality so they stay subscribed and engaged.

Specialized Production Services

Home Movies: Director’s Cut

One quite obscure… yet extremely cool thing we offer is what we affectionately call Home Movies: The Director’s Cut. Imagine watching silent home movies (think 8mm / Super 8 reels*), but it’s not silent! Instead, you’ll hear the “Director’s” commentary taking the audience “behind the scenes” of those precious memories.

With this extremely customize service, we’ll help you produce (not just post-produce) Director’s Cut by recording Audio and Video of the Director giving voice-over commentary while watching the home movies in real time.

Then, you’ll receive the final product of your original home movie PLUS the Director’s Commentary video (with audio of course) tucked out of the way in a corner.

*If you need help converting your 8mm/Super 8 Reels (or VHS tapes)to digital so that you can preserve those memories, check out homemoviemakeover.com.

Home Movies: Director’s Cut

One quite obscure… yet extremely cool thing we offer is what we affectionately call Home Movies: The Director’s Cut. Imagine watching silent home movies (think 8mm / Super 8 reels*), but it’s not silent! Instead, you’ll hear the “Director’s” commentary taking the audience “behind the scenes” of those precious memories.

With this extremely customize service, we’ll help you produce (not just post-produce) Director’s Cut by recording Audio and Video of the Director giving voice-over commentary while watching the home movies in real time.

Then, you’ll receive the final product of your original home movie PLUS the Director’s Commentary video (with audio of course) tucked out of the way in a corner.

*If you need help converting your 8mm/Super 8 Reels (or VHS tapes)to digital so that you can preserve those memories, check out homemoviemakeover.com.

Presentation / Talking Head Video

Have a presentation you’d like recorded? We can record you live, gather digital material you’re going over and intercut between the presenter and material, plus add music to fit your message.
This is great for marketing material to showcase your expertise.

Presentation / Talking Head Video

Have a presentation you’d like recorded? We can record you live, gather digital material you’re going over and intercut between the presenter and material, plus add music to fit your message.
This is great for marketing material to showcase your expertise.

Contact Andrew Hart to arrange Production services.

Elevate Your Audio Experience

Contact us today to start your journey towards superior sound quality and immersive audio experiences.

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