Podcast Production

Podcast Pricing

AUDIO Podcast Production Foundation

$160 per Episode*

Up to 1 Hour***

Everything you need to have a high-quality audio podcast, ready to publish to your podcast host.
  • Compile intro, outro, music, ads, voiceovers, and other elements seamlessly.
  • Minimize background noise, hiss, and hum.
  • Ensure all voices have balanced volume.
  • Meticulously edit to remove distractions like “umm,” “uhh,” filler words, mouth noises, and other unwanted sounds, while making sure your conversation still sounds natural.
  • Enhance audio quality to be easy on the ears, reducing harsh frequencies and shrill voices.
  • Deliver final high-quality audio via free, secure portal
  • 72 Hour turnaround
  • 2 revisions included

*$100 per Episode

Under 15 Minutes

A Man and Woman Talking Together

VIDEO Podcast Production Add-on

+ $80 per Episode**

Up to 1 Hour****

Uses AUDIO Podcast Production as Foundation, then Adds on the following services, resulting in a high-quality video podcast to publish to YouTube, etc.
  • Integrate your audio podcast with video, including intro, outro, stinger, and end screen.
  • Place each video participant in branded graphic**** frames with logos.
  • Repaired, cleaned, enhance audio, with all tracks loudness balanced for pleasant listening experience for your audience.
  • Deliver final high-quality video via free, secure portal
  • Update and add a custom thumbnail to YouTube.
  • Set your video to private or schedule it per your preference.
  • 72 Hour turnaround
  • 2 revisions included

** + $50 per Episode

Under 15 Minutes

***AUDIO over 1 Hour will increase rate by $50 per 15 minutes. ****VIDEO over 1 Hour will increase rate by $25 per 15 minutes.
*****Initial Graphics layout comes free of charge, but changes and update to graphics will be $50 each time.

Give your audience the best sound quality so they stay subscribed and engaged.

Elevate Your Audio Experience

Contact us today to start your journey towards superior sound quality and immersive audio experiences.

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